In The News

a group of people kneeling and standing around the science symposium sign

Local Scientists Bring Research to Marine Science Symposium

February 2, 2023 - Homer News.

(Dr.) Tobin and undergraduate co-authors presented a poster session, “First Observations of Harbor Porpoise Mating in Alaska & Preliminary Results from Photo ID Matching: Conservation Implications for this Elusive Species in Kachemak Bay.”


Semester by the Bay Students Present Work

November 10, 2021 - Homer News

Students and community members gathered in the Kachemak Bay Campus of Kenai Peninsula College, University of Alaska Anchorage, last Friday to share research about different types of marine mammals and the conservation efforts necessary to protect them.


Young woman delivering science presentation in front of a class next to a projection of a killer whale
a smiling young woman kneeling in fromt of a partiall articulated whale skeleton

Orca 'Swims Again' Thanks To Skeleton Builders

Dec. 1, 2016 - KBBI Radio

Listen as Shahla Farzan describes the assembly of Irniaq by 2016 Semester by the Bay students during a Skeletal articulation class with Lee Post a.k.a. Boneman.

KPC Campus Boasts of Three Articulated Whale Skeletons

December 22nd, 2016 - Homer Tribune

"Currently, completed skeletons of a Stejneger's beaked whale, a beluga and an orca calf — all constructed by college students — hang from the ceiling. The fully articulated Stejneger's beaked whale is believed to be one of only four such skeletons in the world."


Students pose with instructor preparing to excavate large jaw bones

"I Can't Believe I Get To Go To School Here"

April 12, 2016 - UAA Alumni spirit

One student describes her experiences in Semester by the Bay, "I felt exhilarated and stunned," said Amelia, who had just arrived in Homer last summer to begin studying in the UAA Kachemak Bay Campus' Semester by the Bay Program"


Students are photobombed by breaching humpback as they pose for the camera
Cute sea otter pulled out on boat dock

The Blob That Cooked The Pacific

By Craig Welch

This story appears in the September 2016 issue of National Geographic magazine. Click the pictures in the article to get more pictures including some of Dr. Tobin and students assisting with sea otter response.


Assembling Kachemak Bay Belugas, Bone by Bone

January 3, 2016 - Alaska Dispatch News

"If there's a classroom with more scientific relevance than Kachemak Bay, I can't imagine where it would be. "


Instructor points to something in the water as students point cameras
Humpback whale breaching majestically on a cloudy day

Whales Delight in Lingering Autumn Shows

October 22, 2015 - Homer News

"Dr. Tobin, a professor of marine biology at Kachemak Bay Campus, in a phone interview Tuesday. "I was out yesterday with some of my students...and we probably saw at least 12-15 humpbacks."


Designed to Inspire: KBC's Semester by the Bay Attracts Students From Afar

December 10, 2014 - Homer News

"Last Friday, students gathered in Kachemak Bay Campus' Bayview hall as the skeleton of a Stejneger's beaked whale they had carefully pieced together was raised to hang from the college ceiling..."


Students kneel with instructor at waters edge with stejneger carcass